Ensure the Hot Tub is always set to "auto," indicated by a red light. This setting maintains the temperature throughout your stay. Our Hot Tubs have a thermostat that works like your home heating, you set the temperature and the Hot Tub will maintain that temperature by heating up when the temperature drops below the set temperature.
To adjust the temperature, use the arrows on the control panel. Hold down the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the temperature if necessary. However, the Hot Tub should be set to your desired temperature upon arrival.
Press the control button once for low jets, twice for high jets, and three times to switch off the jets.
Most importantly, after adjusting the jets, press the button again to return the Hot Tub to the "auto" setting.
Use the Hot Tub lifter for ease. Keep the Hot Tub lid securely closed when not in use. This helps retain heat and prevents debris from entering the water.
There is a button to activate the Hot Tub light, when it is dark, however you may find the fairy lights on the decking more effective.
We perform daily maintenance on your Hot Tub during your stay, including adding chlorine as needed. You may see our staff attending to the Hot Tub during your visit.
Enjoy your relaxing soak in the hot tub and feel free to reach out to our staff if you have any questions or concerns during your stay.